Monday, August 4

Am I getting worse?

It seems that no matter what your level of Aikido is, maintaining focus is paramount. During training, you can't allow your mind to be elsewhere, otherwise it becomes quite obvious, to the uke, to the Sensei, and most importantly, to yourself.

Today, I was merely making my way through the techniques. Instead of concentrating on my movements, my mind was unfocused, as were my techniques. There is a part of me focusing on the technique and working on doing it right, but I just feel that my Aikido edge is a little blunt right now. I'm not thinking about using my hips, or staying in kamae, or the other hundred details that can and should be concentrated on while training.

I've heard other people talk about Aikido improving in spirals, where there are times they feel their movements are crisp and their techniques are strong; and then there are times when they feel slow and weak. I think I'm at a weak point now. But like a baseball player working through a slump, I just have to keep at it, and eventually I'll hit my stride again.

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