Friday, February 15

Extra training

This week and next week, I'll be doing an extra hour of training in the morning, meaning I need to wake up around 4:30 to arrive at the dojo around just before 6:00. It's a bit hard core, but it's only two weeks, three days a week.

This extra hour is a bit special in that the focus is on a deeper understanding of Aikido. So the pace is a little slower and with more focus on basics, such as a strong kamae and proper seiza. The sensei, Stumpy, also has us do some techniques, but the focus remains on the basic principle that ties the techniques together.

However, along with this hardcore training, I've been struggling through a mild fever all week. It`s a little tougher getting to class, but surprisingly, I feel much better after class than I did at the beginning. Is Aikido a healing agent as well?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is. That means you had a good training. When you train akido well, I think your breathing gets more constant then it helps to have a good circulation of blood and most importantly, your "Ki" get's stronger when you concentrate on aikido, so all those good outcomes make you feel better and actually, cure your illness, .... I think. "Ki" and "Breathing" do effect alot to your body condition, so I think my assumption isn't so wrong... megumi