Thursday, August 7

Well timed break

I know missing a day of training is a frowned upon in budo, and to miss a day of the 10-day Aikido-a-thon that is Shochugeiko is even more of a faux pas, but I must say that skipping class yesterday was really good for me.

I've been getting battered from a couple different angles, monotonous work, daily training in the summer heat, and finally my bike getting stolen, so I took yesterday off from both training and played hooky from work to complete unwind and chill at home. I took the opportunity to do some light house work, watch a few shows I've downloaded, do some reading at a coffee shop, etc.

And getting up this morning, I could really feel a difference, not so much physically, but mentally. My outlook was fresher and more optimistic, and at the dojo, I felt faster, smoother and not so tense. I still found difficulties to work through, but I was ready to apply myself fully.

There's one more Shochugeiko class tomorrow morning, and after a Friday and Saturday evening classes, the dojo's closed for a week. After the vacation, I start test training for 4th-kyu, the last white belt rank. Bring it on!


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