Friday, February 8

Kangeiko: day 10

Final day of Kangeiko! Along with five others, I was able to attend everyday and have gotten back into he swing of going to class every day. That's not to say it wasn't a struggle, especially the past few days, but it feels good having done it.

After class today, I had a short discussion with R Sensei about the purpose of training and what we expect to get from it. He was saying that goal of budo( lies not at the end of training, but in the training itself and that through self-discipline, we craft our mind to synchronize with our body.

Consistent training, like kangeiko, forces you to focus your energy toward one aim. Not just in the dojo, but outside the dojo as well. For example, in order to get to the dojo, we have to wake up early everyday, but then in order to be able to wake up early everyday, we have to go to sleep earlier at night. Granted, this is a mild exercise in self-discipline, but it does require a certain level of dedication. R Sensei was saying this is budo, not just the perfection of your Aikido technique, but also the self discipline necessary to commit to Kangeiko-type training.



Anonymous said...

I've recently discovered your blog and have been reading it avidly. It's really good and inspiring to read about your training!

Japandrew said...

I'm glad you like it. I'll try to make it worth reading.