Sunday, March 23

Enbu Training

All week, the focus in class has been practicing for the our dojo's enbu (martial arts exhibition) in about three weeks. There are several demonstrations to the enbu, with different people participating in the different sections. Some of the simpler demonstrations are coming together quite well, but the more difficult and involved ones haven't really been worked on that much, mostly because of scheduling conflicts. The people involved just don't train at the same time.

But I'm really looking forward to showing some of my friends exactly what it is that I do every morning before work. When they ask, I show them nikajo or kotegaeshi and talk about blending with your attacker, but talk is cheap and it doesn't really get the point across. Some would say that even by watching Aikido, you can't understand what it is; you have to get on the mat and actually try it out. Which is why I'm glad there's a audience participation section of the enbu, where the Sensei will teach a technique to anyone who wants to try it out.

But until then, I have a lot of training to do to get myself ready.


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