Saturday, January 12

Yonkajo bonanza

Tonight's class revolved around yonkajo. We had 6 students, 3 advanced students (black and brown belts) and 3 white belts, making a pretty good mix. Everyone seemed to be concentrating on training and there was a really good, focused vibe in the class. For techniques, we did suwariwaza yokomen uchi yonkajo osae, both ichi and ni. After that, we did katamochi yonkajo osae, ichi and ni.

And finally we did some nage (throws), the first being yokomen uchi yonkajo sokomen iriminage. This was a very different yonkajo, where after blocking the yokomen strike in ai-hanmi, shite pivots and moves the uke's striking arm down, circling into yonkajo. At this point, shite steps behind the uke into sokomen iriminage. My description doesn't do it justice, and it's very different from the yonkajo techniques I've done before. The final technique was a variation of this where instead of moving into iriminage, shite cross steps behind the uke and pulls the uke down from behind.

I really enjoy doing such a variety of techniques, but there were a few times tonight, where I feel just as I had an insight into the technique, we would move on to the next one. I guess that just makes one eager to do that technique again. I just hope that the same insight comes to mind the next time. Sometimes it feels like I spend a lot of time in class trying to remember what I've already forgot.

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