Tuesday, September 25

Training for 1st kyu

That's right everybody, I've already started training for 1st kyu. Pretty ambitious, don't you think.

No but actually, today we did 2 advanced techniques, both dai-san I think. The first was suwari waza shomen uchi kotegaeshi, both ichi and ni. I had practiced this technique last Friday night, so I wasn't completely lost, but it's still quite difficult. I haven't even really done much tachi waza kotegaeshi (standing forearm reversal), and suwari waza (sitting technique) just adds another level of difficulty.

The other technique was ushiro eri mochi ikkajo osae. This is another difficult technique and I was seeing it for the first time. We only did the ichi technique, but that was enough. It seems there's a bit of subtlety involved in order to get this technique to work. While uke's holding the back of the collar, shite must pivot under the arm in order to move into position for ikkajo, but while you move under the arm, you still must keep your kamae (as always, right?). Definitely need more practice on this one.

I've got my 9th kyu test at the end of the week, with four different techniques. I'm feeling ok about all four of them at this point. Still a few weak points I'd like to work out, but for the most part I think I'll be ok, at least good enough for 9th kyu criteria.

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