Saturday, December 22

The close of my first Aikido year

Well, that's it. I closed out my first year of Aikido with two hours of classes at Honbu Dojo today. I've really enjoyed training at Honbu this week and would like to continue attending class into next year. However, having all the explanations in Japanese is a little tough. I can catch a bit of it, but I really have to concentrate to understand. Instead, I get the gist and try to observe the sensei and copy their movements.

This year, I feel Aikido has become a regular part of my life. I really enjoy teaching my body to react and blend with someone else's energy. And that's really what Aikido had become for me, it's not the techniques or movements, but the awareness of another's energy, and knowing how to get control and direct that energy to where you want it to go.

So here's to another great year of training.


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