Friday, December 7

Last day of test prep

Today's class was mostly test training for everyone. We have 6 people taking tests tomorrow, so R Sensei had us practice out techniques. However, for the first 15 minutes or so we did kihon dosa (basic movements), which was exactly what I wanted to do today. When we did kihon dosa practice yesterday, R Sensei gave me some really good pointers that I wanted to refine before the test. Some of the advice he gave was not starting the movement with the upper body, but with the legs and hips, and also to make sure I'm changing the elevation of my hips from one position to the next.

The uke for my test is a big guy, maybe 6'2" or so, and for some of the techniques this is great, like shihonage, but for sankajo, it's a pain. It's kind of hard to get the right grip on his hands, and today, my grip slipped off him a few times. I hope that doesn't happen during the test.

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