Wednesday, January 6

I'm not dead, I swear

Ah yes, a new year bring new goals and promises to yourself to be a better person. After taking almost all of December off from training, I have it in my mind to be more diligent this year. I have my 1st kyu test to prepare for, and then it's the long march to shodan. But more important than testing or rank is making Aikido part of my daily life again.

It's important to realize that Aikido isn't about spending x number of hours in the dojo to achieve a certain level of proficiency. Instead, to me, Aikido is more about making training a natural part of who you are, where going to the dojo and training seem as natural as a morning cup of coffee or brushing your teeth before you go to bed. Unfortunately, Aikido hasn't been coming naturally to me for the past few months.

I'd like to get back to the point where Aikido is just something I do naturally and not feel that it's a struggle to get to the dojo. Here's to making a New Year's goal a reality.

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